So I'm really good at writing things down such as memories and milestones but really bad about remembering what I wrote it down on and where I put it. I figured this was a better alternitive. Not quite sure what I'm doing yet but excited to learn.
Also known as Trevor and Carly : ) We've been together for nearing 6 years and almost married for 4. We have been through so much together! I have the best Hubby and father to my kids. He works so hard to provide for us. He's my best friend and I love him so much!
Our sweet and oh so smart 5 year old. He brings so much Joy to our life! I cant imagine our family without him! He helps me so much and is the best big brother. He makes me laugh and is honestly one of my best friends as well as my girls.
When they say God broke the mold when the made someone, they're talking about our 3 year old McKinlee. A lot of times misunderstood. I love her uniquness and wouldn't want her any different. I love her little corks, her energy, and her intoxicating laughter. She is the most precious little girl and one of the best things that ever happened to me.
Our baby! Almost one. I cant believe it. A dream baby, always happy! She walked at 9 months I believe because she couldn't stand to just sit and watch the others play. She keeps up with her older siblings and catches on so quick. Smart and adorable. I always say the Gerber baby has nothing on her!